12 LED Lights

The LED Lights at the back of the WARBL2 light in different colours according to Commands and MIDI Messages being passed to the instrument. Although the LEDs cannot easily be viewed while the instrument is being played, they can be useful for programming and debugging.

They are as follows:

12.1 Green

  • Blinks once when:
    • Powering ON
    • Connecting TO or disconnecting FROM the Config Tool
    • Simple commands are Received from the Config Tool or simple Controls changed with Button Behaviours
  • Blinks Three times when
    • Saving Settings
    • Applying the currents settings to All 3 Instruments, or
    • Restoring Factory Settings
  • Flashes Multiple times to indicate the “number” of the new setting. These include:
    • Instrument
    • Vibrato/slide mode,
    • Register control mode, and
    • Octave shift UP and DOWN
  • Stays ON for 10 seconds when alibrating sensors
    • 5 seconds when calibrating the Bell Sensor alone

12.2 Blue

  • Blinks quickly when in Programming (UF2) Mode
  • Blinks twice when connecting by BLE
  • May blink once when opening or closing a BLE App on certain systems

12.3 Red

  • Pulses slowly when charging
  • May blink approximately once per second if there is a Battery Error while attempting to charge
    • Temperature too high/low, battery missing, etc.
  • Lights for 1/2 second when powering down by a Button command
  • Lights for 5 seconds before shutting down because of Low Battery

12.4 Teal

  • Flashes to indicate the Battery level when that option is triggered by a Button Action