4 Top Panel

WARBL Configuration Tool Top Panel
WARBL Configuration Tool Top Panel

4.1 Connect To WARBL

The Configuration Tool will try to connect to WARBL if it is already plugged in or connected by BLE MIDI when the page is loaded, or you can click Connect to WARBL if it hasn’t connected automatically.

Once it has connected, it should show your Firmware Version in the upper right corner, and it will tell you if there is a Firmware Update available (see section 10 of the User Manual for updating the firmware).

Note: If the WARBL2 Firmware is not up to date, you will be able to use the Configuration Tool, but some Options may be missing or disabled (shown in grey).

4.2 Volume Icon

The Configuration Tool can produce basic Sounds if you click the Volume Icon. This is meant for Testing Purposes Only and the Sound will not respond to Pitch-Bend Commands or Control Change (CC) Messages. On iOS Devices it’s also usually possible to have other MIDI Apps running at the same time as the Configuration Tool, which is preferable and will give you Higher-Quality Sound.

4.3 MIDI Console Button

Tapping this will show the 300 Most Recent MIDI Messages received, useful for Trouble Shooting.

4.4 MIDI Note Display

Will show the MIDI Note currently being played, as Note Name Note Number, also useful for Trouble Shooting.

4.5 WARBL Firmware Version

This will show the Firmware Version of a connected WARBL2.

If a WARBL2 is not connected, it will show in Red: Unknown
WARBL not detected